Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Journey Praise Bus

The Praise Bus is travelling through Scotland this week, stopping at Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee, St Andrews, Edinburgh and on to Alnwick.

Terry, The Journey’s Worship leader says “A unique experience where I need to keep close to the Lord and examine my heart. Many musicians singing God's praises throughout the land. Some songs are repeated which reflects our mission. 'We just call to say God loves you, over and over again”.

Last night we heard this encouraging story from a couple in our church. They were not able to be on the bus as they had a hospital appointment in Manchester (she is being treated for cancer). “After morning prayers, we finished by praying for The Journey. At the end, we looked up and saw the bus going past the window and heard the sound of the shofar being blown. It really made our day as the timing was perfect”. We wonder how many people, we have never heard about, have caught a glimpse of the bus from their houses and been blessed.

Urgent requests for musicians anywhere along the routes: Newcastle, Gateshead, Middlesbrough, York, Kendal, Grimsby, Peterborough, Norwich, Portland Bill, Bournmouth, Portsmouth, Hastings, Deal and London.

Our facebook page is www.facebook.com/ThePraiseBus .

If you have any queries please contact escallsbus@btinternet.com

For further update http://www.morethangold.org.uk/.org.uk

Prayer requests for musicians...
 A Solo performer needed from 2nd to 20th July.
Musicians from Stockport.

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