Sunday, 3 June 2012

Bibles available for 2012 Games athletes’

Olympic athletes will be able to read their own copy of the Bible when the Games are held in London in July. The Olympic organizing committee, LOCOG, has allowed Bible Society to make Bibles available to athletes in the Olympic Village’s religious services centre.

Some 1,000 Bibles and 1,500 Gospels of Luke will be provided for sports chaplains to give to Olympians if appropriate. ‘I’m really excited about this,’ said Matthew van Duyvenbode, Bible Society’s Head of Advocacy. ‘It’s really important that we make a statement that the Bible is important in every sphere of public life, sports included.

‘When some of the athletes will be going through some of the most turbulent experiences of their lives we can demonstrate to them that the message of God’s comfort and understanding and reassurance are for them in the Scriptures.’

Some £10,000 is now needed to provide Olympic athletes
with Bibles.

If you’d like to help towards this, then call 01793 418100 or visit

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