Monday, 15 August 2011

The opportuntity of a life time!

I have a confession to make - I am not a great sports fan. Apart from watching some international games of football or rugby when England are playing I very rarely will watch any sport at all. And over the years several well meaning people have tried to explain to me the rules and how to play cricket, but it still eludes me! And if you want to see a grown man reduced to a quivering wreck just put the words school and sport together. I loathed sports at school although I did enjoy gymnastics.

So, why you might ask am I keen to promote the 2012 Games?

Well I do appreciate and applaud the amazing effort athletes put into their sport, I can see that it is one way of bringing reconciliation to communities and nations and sport can offer a different and a more healthy focus.

However, my main reason I am engaged in promoting the Games is because I want to Make Jesus Famous -

Someone once said 'that the opportunity of a lifetime only lasts as long as the lifetime of the opportunity.'

We are into the 'year of the Games' and within 18 months the actual action will be over but hopefully the legacy will be continuing. And the Church, your church, can be part of that legacy. You can determine now that you are going to get engaged, to do whatever you can to join in the 'conversation' that will be happening all around us. This is a real opportunity to engage with your community, to build bridges, to build sports facilities, to have some fun and a whole host of other things as well. More Than Gold have plenty of ideas and resources

So, don't just sit back and wait or think we don't have anyone who is a sporty type - you don't need a sporty type you just need someone with a passion for Jesus and a real desire to see God impact our communities and a fuller realization of God's kingdom come upon earth, a lived out Lord's Prayer.

And the time to act is NOW - already many local authorities are putting plans together, so find out what those plans are and be prepared to join in as well as doing some very specific Church activities and events.

The 2012 Games really are a Golden Opportunity - let's not miss it!

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