Tuesday, 9 August 2011

No doubt like me you sat almost slacked jawed whilst watching the news of the riots unfolding first in London then across the country.

As the country prepares to host the 2012 Games and invite millions of visitors from across the world this violence and wanton destruction does not put us in a good light.

We know that the chain reaction and the news was spread through the social media, a phenomena that we are still trying to learn to live with in all its various ramifications. Much in the same way that the telephone and then the radio changed the world for ever.

Social media itself is neutral and it can be used or abused. I was delighted to hear this morning on the news that there was a 'clean up our communties' that was being promoted through the social media network. My hope and prayer is that the Church is at the forefront and getting involved in this enterprise, just as I hope and pray that Churches are at forefront of community engagment with the London Games. Some of that engagment may include sporting facilities to help dissafected people and give them a different focus, goal, aim purpose and hope.

The Church of England communication department offers this prayer for our use at this time.

A prayer for peace in our communities

Gracious God,

We pray for peace in our communities this day.

We commit to you all who work for peace and an end to tensions.

And those who work to uphold law and justice.

We pray for an end to fear,

For comfort and support to those who suffer.

For calm in our streets and cities,

That people may go about their lives in safety and peace.

In your mercy, hear our prayers,

now and always. Amen

And as we look towards the 2012 Games a special commissioned prayer

Eternal God,

Giver of joy and source of strength,

we pray for those

who prepare for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

For the competitors training for the Games and their loved ones,

For the many thousands who will support them,

And for the Churches and others who are organising

special events and who will welcome

many people from many nations.

In a world where many are rejected and abused,

we pray for a spirit of tolerance and acceptance,

of humility and respect and for the health and safety of all.

May we at the last be led towads the love of Christ

who is more than gold, today and forever. Amen

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